Monday, August 23, 2010

Smite Elemental Creature

although, the ampersand piece on the upcoming warpriest build says "most deities view undead creatures as abominations that must be destroyed", it seems to me that a more unifying power than smite undead would be something like smite elemental creature--you know, dawn war and all of that stuff.

it would be quite simple to make available to every cleric the following alternative channel divinity power:

Smite Elemental Creature
Cleric Attack
You scorch an elemental foe with your weapon, driving it back and then binding it in place.
Encounter (Special) Channel Divinity, Divine, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One elemental creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you push the target a number of squares up to 3 + your Constitution modifier. The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Level 21: 4[W] + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Special: You can use only one channel divinity power per encounter.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

if i had my druthers

wotc does not want to alienate gamers by changing existing class builds radically; instead, wotc adds more builds reflecting how they would have done things differently. one downside to this approach is the pressure to continue supporting builds that, in hindsight, really should have been done better, which is a bit like throwing good money at bad money.

here is how i would have made the original builds:

cleric: wis, con or cha
fighter: str, con or dex
paladin: str, cha or wis
ranger: wis, str or dex
rogue: dex, str or cha
warlock: cha, int or con
warlord: str, int or cha
wizard: int, con or dex

new builds with new secondary stats

i like the new direction i am seeing with new class builds using new secondary stats. this, of course, presumes an A-shaped class. it allows more races to partake effectively of the class. it expands the repertoire of powers available to all builds of the class, albeit without the riders of the intended build.

one way that wotc could further, and more quickly, broaden the support for new builds--and to a lesser extent, older builds--is by publishing dragon articles listing old powers with new riders for the new builds--and for the older builds that did not have riders on those powers. eventually, the compendium potentially could show every power with a separate rider for each build of the applicable class. of course, exceptions would exist.