Monday, October 10, 2011


i understand the fluff reasoning behind a witch being a subclass of druid. i also understand the nonfluff, powers-based reasoning behind the witch being a subclass of wizard (however, witches sharing space with a class that iconically gains its power through academic study does rub me the wrong way).

i generally am not a fan of the dual power source builds, but i think the witch as arcane/primal makes a lot of sense, fulfilling both of the reasonings referenced above. also, witches could be obtaining their powers from the more indifferent and darker primal spirits of the world and feywild (yes, there are some primal spirits in the feywild), instead of from gods, devils and the like.

EDIT: with primal as a witch power source, then the cat, raven and serpent familiars make more sense, since they all are natural creatures (one tiny fey familiar--such as a brownie, a grick or a puck--would be a nice option, to more closely associate the witch with the feywild).

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