Tuesday, May 18, 2010

titans (continued)

i envision titans as appearing more elemental than most of the types of titans currently appear. earth titans more precisely reflect my image of titans.

fire titans would appear more like loosely humanoid shaped creatures of magma with fire in place of hair.

frost titans appear more like loosely humanoid shaped creatures of ice with snow in place of hair.

stone titans would look much as they do now, except that they would be shaped more like earth titans than the current stone titans.

storm titans would appear more like loosely humanoid shaped creatures of hardened storm clouds with lightning in place of hair.

the nonelemental titans (i.e., death, eldritch, astral and, perhaps, fomorians) do not require modification of appearance, imo. alternatively, death titans could appear more like loosely humanoid shaped creatures of shadow.

also, just as titans would not use weapons, nor would they wear armor.

ettins and ogres

on rare occasions, an ogre gives birth to a two-headed ogre called an ettin. ettins tend to assume leadership positions among ogres due to their superior intellect (two heads are better than one) and superior combative skills.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

giants and titans

i think that the giant language should not exist. instead of speaking giant, i think that giants and titans should speak primordial (i recognize that titans currently speak both).

also, i think that titans should not rely upon manufactured weapons to make melee attacks. this change would reinforce the notion that titans are powerful beings, noticeably moreso than giants, and imbued with elemental (necrotic for death titans and arcane for eldritch titans) power.

Functional Template - Drider (REVISED)

A drider was a powerful drow priest of Lolth whose devotion was satisfactorily tested by Lolth and who was gifted with a semblance of her god’s spider form. Most, although not all, matron mothers are driders. Drow believe that a drow house that does not have a drider for a matron mother is experiencing the displeasure and punishment of Lolth. Such houses face stigma and some prejudice from the greater drow community. A drow house with two or more driders is regarded as blessed by Lolth. As the favored of Lolth, all driders, whether matron mother or not, enjoy considerable power and authority in drow society. Since all drow priests are female, a male drider is a rare and socially complicated circumstance for drow society. Driders often dispense with weapons, instead relying upon their two blade-like front claws and their bite for melee.

Drider is a template you can apply to any drow priest and, rarely, other drow who have dedicated their lives to the service of Lolth. If you are modifying a nonplayer character, this template works best with the cleric.

Prerequisite: Level 11, Drow Priest or drow worshiper of Lolth

Elite Skirmisher
Large fey humanoid (spider)
XP Elite
Defenses +2 AC; +4 Fortitude, +2 Reflex
Resist 5 + 1/2 level poison
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Size Large
Action Point 1
Hit Points +8 per level + Constitution score


M-B Claw (standard; at-will) Poison
Level +4 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage plus 1d8 poison damage.

M Double Attack (standard; at-will) Poison
The drider makes two claw attacks.

M Quick Bite (minor 1/round; at-will) Poison
Requires combat advantage; Level +2 vs. Fortitude; 1d4 damage, and ongoing Constitution modifier + 1/2 level poison damage (save ends).

R Web Net (minor 1/round; at-will)
Ranged 10; Level +2 vs. Reflex; the target is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 poison (save ends both).

Spider Link (minor; at-will) Healing
The drider can transfer up to its healing surge value of points of damage she has taken to a spider or a drow within 5 squares of her. She cannot transfer more hit points than the creature has remaining. If applicable, REPLACES Drow Priest Spider Link.

Web Walker
A drider ignores the effects of spider webs and spider swarms.

a fix for ki focus

i suggest that ki focus not be an implement. instead, make it a unique category of items that strictly enhances other items that are weapons.

so, for both monk and assassins, instead of:

Implement: Ki focuses, weapons with which you have proficiency

the applicable line would read:

Implement: Weapons with which you have proficiency.

next, i would suggest that when a monk/assassin makes an attack, whether a weapon attack or an implement attack, the monk/assassin must use a weapon to do so, but can choose to apply a ki focus to the weapon in lieu of the weapon's own properties.