Sunday, March 8, 2009

races and favored weapons

in a previous post, i wrote:

"dwarves should specialize in hammers and picks, not hammers and axes (dwarves are a race of miners. what do you use to mine? hammers? yes. picks? yes. axes? a big no.)"

in continuation of this theme, here are some other thoughts:

(i) orcs should specialize in axes, a la dwarves and hammers;
(ii) urgrosh should be an orc weapon; and
(iii) goblinoids should favor scimitars and falchions.


Jeremy Grimes: A Shinigami in the light said...

The reasons that dwarves are always seen with axes is because it is more of an Iconic thing. Looking back to when they showed up first in fiction or literature. (late 1800's I believe) The dwarves have always been shown with a hammer or and axe swung over their shoulder. On the other hand the Dwarves function more in their lives than just in the mines, they are world renown smithees and battlers. True it is that the hammer is the choice weapon of Moradin and Dennari (3.5e), but not all creatures of a race worship the same being (Drizzt Do'Urden: Miellikki (sp?) vs. Drow : Lolth) Therefore I believe that the axe should be allowed as a racial weapon to the dwarf because of their fury in a pick isn't really that menacing.

MaximumHavoc said...

thank you for commenting on my blog.

i, too, recognize the iconic imagery of dwarves wielding axes. i simply am suggesting a new and different imagery based upon, in my opinion, a logical derivation.

there is no doubt that dwarves are strongly associated with hammers for several reasons. you referenced two of them--dwarf ironsmiths and moradin, who is himself the greatest of all ironsmiths. you see, this association is quite logical.

axes, on the other hand, are another matter. dwarves are renown miners. picks and hammers are the tools of miners, not axes. and regarding battle imagery, i beg to differ with your suggestion that picks are not menacing. i can easily envision a battleraging dwarf punching large holes in the armor of his enemies, blood pouring freely from the wounds.

in short, what i am saying is that although dwarves enjoy iconic imagery as axe wielders, i think that the axe should be replaced by the pick for more logical reasons. this is just my opinion.

again, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Jeremy Grimes: A Shinigami in the light said...

You are right, I must agree, I never took into account the lethal amount of damage that could be done with a pick until a member of our group... a gnome warden, used a hammer to mercilessly hack a fomorian (sp?) to peices... with the blunt side of the pick (the top that's rounded, he used that to beat it down, swung a few times with the pick and the creature was done.)

You are correct, Wizards' thoughts on giving dwarves the approvial to get a racial bonus with an axe doesn't make sense... almost like a drow getting a racial proficiency to the 2-handed chain whip from 3.5 (not that they ever did, just an example )