Thursday, June 4, 2009


i am feeling frustrated, almost discouraged, by two incidences where material i am developing gets preempted by published material by wotc.

the first case is an adventure i have been writing. in this adventure, i incorporate a unique adaption of a wotc game mechanic. i was quite proud of myself, and i hope to make the adventure publishable. then, several months into my development of this adventure, wotc produces an adventure, in dungeon magazine, using an adaption that is effectively identical to my own. after seeing this, i was tempted to scrap the entire project, but there are other good ideas in this adventure that simply must see the light of day.

the second case involves a new race that i have been developing. again, some interesting ideas (if i do say so, myself). and then, BAM!, wotc announces revenants, with allusions to the raven queen and how revenants can derive from any humanoid race. my scream got choked in my throat.

for now, i intend to persevere with these two projects. i know i have good ideas and i do want to write. time will tell. *sigh*

at least wotc still hasn't usurped my deity idea. MUAH AH AH AH !!!

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