Wednesday, September 24, 2008

cloud of daggers

gotten from wizards forum:

1. it deals more total damage to a single target than any other wizard at-will, assuming wisdom 14 or higher.

2. it is extensible with orb of imposition. If have orb mastery, but aren't blowing a daily this encounter, then you will be using the orb on an at-will, and this is one of only 2 ph at-will spells that are orbable.

3. it is the only wizard at-will that is a guaranteed minion kill (well, almost guaranteed, unless something allows the minion to move before its turn).

4. it does exert a small terrain effect -- no other at-will in the game does this. good to plug up small passages, or deny archers the square from which they are getting cover or superior cover.

5. it combos ok with allies that provide forced movement (tide of iron, positioning strike, etc), or even with forced movement you provide (extending the cloud with an orb, or using an action point).

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