Wednesday, September 10, 2008

shadow source classes


i still think that the illusionist class should have psionics as a power source (as an aside, charm spells, too, should have psionics as a power source), rather than shadow as a power source. in prior editions, most illusion spells were mind-affecting powers. yes, some illusion spells were shadow-based spells, but those spells should now be separated from the mind-affecting variety and moved to a different class: shadowcaster.

this class as a controller really needs no justifying arguments from me. shadowcaster kills the old shadow-based illusionist and takes his stuff. it is a no brainer.

necromancer (undead summoner)
we have not yet seen wotc embrace summoning on a class-wide basis in 4e, but if they do, then this would be an easy fit. perhaps it needs a new name so that "necromancer" could be used by the shadow leader class (see below).


he debuffs enemies and, as a result, passes along buffs to his allies. lots of fear and cold spells, maybe darkness spells. this is a leader (buffs) with a minor in controller (debuffs--slow, immobilized, dazed, blinded, etc.). perhaps it needs a new name so that "necromancer" could be used by the shadow controller class (see above).


shadow dancer
nuff said. well, actually, i see this class using short teleports (a la feylock) that grant bonus damage. similer to warlocks' movement, these teleports would grant concealment. no worries about the similarity to a warlock feature because the warlock is a ranged striker, whereas the shadowdancer would be a melee striker.

although i see what some people are seeing in ninjas and shadow, i think that ninjas are much more likely to have ki as a power source.


debuffing and magical darkness as a source of stickiness. yum!

my concern with this name is that, because of its use in prior editions, it connotes evil, which shadow is not, necessarily.

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