Thursday, December 11, 2008

drow rogue feat suggestions

gotten from en world:

Backstabber - D8 sneak attack dice
Two Fisted Shooter - one handed reload of hand crossbow as free action, free attack if you crit.
Slaying Action - Sneak attack twice with action point
Ruthless Hunter - crossbow D8 and high crit
Drow Fighting style - no OA provoke if hand crossbow in hand with melee weapon in other
Agile Athlete - roll acrobatics or althetics rolls twice, take better roll
Venemous Heritage - resists 5 poison +2 vs poison saves
Dager Sense - Roll initiative twice, keep better
Fleet footed - +1 speed
Master of FIre and darkness - use darkness and darkfire both per encounter
Merciless Killer - +5 damage vs bloodied foes you have CA against

Epic resurgance - regain encounter power on crit
Martial Mastery - regain martial encounter power if you spend action point
Flanking Manuever - move diagonal through hard corners move through enemies
Clutch of Darkness - bigger globe of darkness
Unfettered Stride - ignore difficult terrain

Devestating Critical - +1d10 on crits as a daggermaster it's very nice too
Blood Thirst - +2 damage to bloodied foes, stacks wtih merciless killer.

that's 18 there, I'm sure I'll want others too but I think that may be my set of 18 by 30.

Whirlwind sneak attack looks kinda sexy too, combined with Martial mastery if you move first run up, aoe blast sneak attack a group, action point and do it again with the same power. sneak attacking everyone twice in one turn. and if you crit on anyone during all this, regain hte use of the encounter power you used to do it wtih again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheers mate ;-)
I#m playing a Drow rogue right now and found your preselection of feats quite usefull.